Thursday, November 17, 2005

Best Reasons to Visit an Emergency Room

Case 3: Arrrrgh....Hair Loss!
Yup, after a whole month of finding hair falling off every time she showers, it was time for this 30 year old female to goto the emergency room. Upon exam, there WAS a general thinning of the hair, not like alopecia areata or androgenic alopecia, or something manly.
Diagnosis: To make things worse, we doctors use million dollar words like Telogen Effluvium to make our patients feel they have something special. In this case, there was nothing to explain this other than a bad diet. It turns out, this patient eats very little (though looking at her, you'd think she eats plenty); that is..she eats only beans. No rice, no corn, no meat.
Treatment: education on dietary requirements; specifically protein.


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